Monday, April 10, 2006

Whatever goes on the net, comes back!!..coz its chained

As it goes....Day in and day out, we are flooded with SPAM and Forwarded mails.Whenever we get a mail, we happily forward it to our mates, little knowing that these forward messages are adding to the network traffic.As you might have noticed in such forwarded or chain mails, one canfigure out so many email ids. Thus when such mails reach hackers or SPAMers, they just feast on those email IDs and thus you get SPAM in your mails. And one more thing, often we receive mails that boast of donating money to some person in need. It says that if you forward the mail, a company "XYZ" will donate a cent or a dollar for each forwarded message. Thus we generously forward the mail to all in our address book. And in turn, our buddies forward it to their own contacts. But there is one thing i want to tell you, no company does such donations. Its just a prank or a way to retrieve email addresses, to flood those inboxes with SPAM. Another threat could bethat your email service provider can discontinue your email address,for sending chain mails.So next time just think before you hit the forward button...!!!And ya one more thing, if you want to spread this word..plz for GOD's sake, don forward it. just copy the text and send it in a new message.....
!!!Make this world free from SPAM!!! HAPPY SURFING
Lots of unchained Love>>>>>>Ankush


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the unchained lOve :)

nd information HeeHee. i'll definitly think before pressing forward :D

Ankush said...

hey Mo!! thanks for joining in..

And good that u are on my side
We will spark off a rage against this menace on the net..lolz
two for a tango:)