Sunday, May 28, 2006

Food for Thought or A Thought for Food

It really kills me when i see pictures of small children with frail bodies, faces so pale and puny, all because of the dearth of food and nutrition.And on the other side i see nations with soaring defence budgets, politicians bucking up their piggy with all the public money, countries going on war front just to grab an inch of land.
"Jung to Chandd Roz hoti hai,
Jung to Chandd roz hoti hai.
Zindagi Barson talak Roti hai!!"
Little do these so called "Patriots" and the "Global Policemen" realise that even if 20% of all this money had been invested in the third world countries or in that case, for the upliftment of the down-trodden, every child born on this beautifull earth would have had meals thirce a day uptill now. O! Lord! plz awaken their conscience!. So that we have no living thing on the face of the earth dying of hunger! We all know what happens when we go without food for a day and then we sprang on the food the next day like anything. Just imagine the condition of those who witness this situation everyday! Well if we can't make our politicains turn their heads towards this grave unjustice to the Mankind...atleast we "The Countrymen", irrespective of our Nations, take the pledge, that we will not waste food in our lives. May be that saved grain can kill someone's hunger!! Lets hope for a new sun, when no child goes to sleep without food from that day on!!


J A D E D......... said...

When i was small, everytime i wasted food along with a sharp spanking my parents told me of the hundreds of people out there in the world who didn't get even a morsel to eat for days and told me that i should consider myself very very lucky that i get enough to eat and more,every single day...
Ever since i have tried never to waste food...
It pains me to see starvation rampant in our country...
Kudos to you for having a heart enough to care...
Not many people today do...

Ankush said...

Yeh! "J"..Whats better than having a smile on every child's face...
even empty stomachs ache sometimes

Anonymous said...


If iam rt,i guess around 400-450 million!! r below the poverty line of the 1 billion inhabitants in india,imagine how many of them have the privilage to have a proper meal for days...We boast ourselves to be one of the largest country in agricultural production,but does the food produced reach the mouths of the poor ppl???

Ankush its nice to read such issues in ur blog,i hope everyone thinks twice before placing their plate in the basin!!!