Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Moment to reckon with:

ON JUNE 6 - 2006 & 6 MIN & 6 SEC AFTER 6 AM DAY TIME AND DATE WILL BE 06:06:06:06:/06/06/06 HAPPENS ONCE IN 100000 years....Amazing!
But i'll sleep over it.....who the hell


Anonymous said...

Hey dude!!
that kind of sequence happened before too...on 4th of May this year..this was something like a sequence of

J A D E D......... said...

Hey....I know about this one......
And i also knew about the one Gaurav's talking about....
But i slept thru it too...
The knowledge of it was enough for me....
I really didn't care enough to stay awake and witness this "MIRACLE"
It wasn't like i was winning the lottery or something!!!!

Anonymous said...

in India it would be some hours erlier than here...but I think I don't stay awake, too, even I have the next day free.;-)

Best wishes


Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!