Thursday, June 15, 2006

"False Reflections"

There was this article in a newspaper a month or so back, titled "Women Alone".Well, i just read it thinking it that it would unveil some successful feats by the feminine gender. But as i finished reading the last line,i felt annoyed at the whole idea of the article. And i instantly made up my mind to hit a reply. I wrote a few lines in response to it, but unfortunantely i just could not finish it up due to the prod of my semester exams. The writer had conducted a survey on some women, who happen to be successful entrepreneurs, bankers, businees honchos, achievers in their respect, but most importantly, they were "Single"...yeh you heard me, 'single' is the word....the whole idea of the survey was to show how women are leading a high profile and accomplished lives, without typing the knot.....they gave certain vague reasons of not marrying.....well i don't really remember what the exact reasons were...but ya ..what i can do is...i can show you people what all wrote impromptu to the article...
Apropos to the article by Anandita Gupta, “Woman Alone”, published on 2nd April, 2006.
Well to begin with, the picture along with the article showing a woman smoking certainly beguiles. It reflects that mere smoking keeps the feminine gender abreast with the masculine. I am still a student just nearing my graduation, having not much knowledge about the post marriage mess though. But I feel that all the views reflected in the survey conducted by the writer, puts these so called respected, pioneering, ruling women in a different league altogether. It shows that they are not up for the post marriage responsibilities. My dear ladies, partying and the wild outings are not all what life is meant for, as what you long for according for the survey. One of the surveyed is of the opinion that marrying just to have a suitable match is not her cup of tea. Well that does make her independent. But what it reflects is the shear uncompromising attitude of the ladies in survey. Having a family does not impede anyone’s march to the glory, rather it stimulates and provides an impetus, by the constant backing up by the spouse, children or the parents.
Indira Gandhi, Margret Alva, Kalpana Chawla, Kalpana Morparia, Chanda Kochhar, Shikha Sharma, Renuka Ramnath (ICICI Bank), all have had families. And their achievements are way beyond overwhelming than the women in the survey. If one was the first women prime minister, the other was an astronaut. The difference lies in their approach. They were ready to take responsibility. Staying single is another thing, but running away from the reality is another. These women chose to be single to live “FREE”…now if boozing, fagging or in that case wild night-outs is what their mirror reflects for the Freedom, then I m sorry to say, they have got it all wrong. I not saying that not tying the nuptial knot is bad in any sense, there can be uncountable reasons for it, but what the article tried to show was utter nonsensical.
In my view, a person who cannot shoulder the responsibility of his or her family, their lives can be a success, but it’s “vapid.”


J A D E D......... said...

I remember reading that particular article and being livid...
It totally degraded women and threw their independence and abilities in a different light altogether...
Yes independence is good...
In a society where the norm has always been to supress women...
But independence doesn't mean ignoring ones responsibilities...
Ones standards...
Running away from family life is not cool...
Its cowardice...
And selfishness...
And wrong...
I am a girl...
Who will one day grow to be a woman...
With a career...
With a strong foothold in the industry..
But that doesn't mean i won't raise my own family...
Continue my own bloodline...
Being a mother is the greatest gift to womanhood...
And nothing...
I repeat nothing...
Not a lucrative career...
Nor a million dollar salary can steal the glory of being a mother and holding your own flesh and blood in your hands...
Yes we women are independent and proud of it...
But please let us not make our independence the reason of our downfall...

Ankush said...

Yes "J"
The writer got it all wrong, i guess!
Five fingers are never the same...
So you can expect different perspectives from the sundry human beings...
and ya..nice to know your thoughts..i am impressed:)..though i have always been.