I want each one of you to put this ribbon on your vehicle....just to spread the awareness...i have had it on my bike for the past one year....so now i can ask you people to do this bit for the society as well....We all are responsible for it.
If you are already into it, then Kudos to you..else
Convey the word and spread the AWARENESS!
Thanks ton....Adios!
ahh..dont u think that this is a complete crap to b spread among INDIAN audience...u also know that ppl make mockery of it rather than having a deep knowledge bout it..
Hey i admire that u care so much to want to spread awareness...
But then i wonder wat good will a red ribbon do..
How will it help stop this dreaded disease from spreading...U, me we'll put the ribbon..We know wat it means,we are educated we will refrain from making mistakes...But wat abt the rest of the world...Where aids is rampant among the uneducated...
Yeah spreading awareness helps but wat our cuontry really needs is a good brushing down...
People need to face death in the face to know wat it feels to be infected n suffering...We need to educate the people, teach them...Which only a red ribbon is not goin to achieve...We need to keep the bigger picture in mind n do somthing...
But hey as i said before..I admire u..
N yeah i will put my red ribbon...
Kudos to u "G"...
U touch my heart coz u r one of the first guys i have met who really cares about our country...
Keep up the good work "G"..
Respect n Regards...
And yeah one more thing...
Hats off to you...
Keep it up...
Good going...
Hey Gaurav,
Well buddy i certainly agree with you over this.
But you think it this way, i have had the ribbon on my bike for one year now..you also know it very well...,defying the odds, of our conservaitve society. even some of our close friends rubbished the idea,, a few even said that i carry the virus withing me....lolz..well i pity thier ignorance. Being the youth of the country doesn't mean that we are only here to make somthing out of our lives,earn money, booz out at the bash, sit around cuddled up in a corner with our mates. We have some social and ethical responsibilites, a duty to make this earth a place to live and cherished by the future generations. And this ribbon is like a torch in the dark, for those who know and also for those, who don't. And as far as the ignorance of the Indian Mass is concerned, well its this ignorance only which has crippled the nation, to its knees, and the result is that we are sitting on a Time Bomb of HIV+ cases, which can explode anytime. Even if no one knows anything about it, but still they get curious, as why i have put this ribbon. And my friend, here lies the real win, even if a single person understands what it really means, I am more than happy. And its no only me who is going around with the Idea. There are hundreds and thousands more taking up the initiative, and what i do or what i have don can easily be overshadowed by their steps for the betterment of the society. People travel all over India on thier bicycle, spreading the message of AIDS Awareness. And i m still on my bike. So what do you think, do these people really care of the so called mockerers.
Steps add on to become Strides, Drops combine to form Oceans,
The bottom line is
People are always there to pull one down. the truth is what succeeds in the end.
And i can stand all alone on the cliff, with hundreds against me.
You know this very well as you know me very well.
Besides an AIDS Awareness Ribbon is much better than the following text.
"Live Life King Size"
"Singh is King"
"Outlaw Torn"
"This is my Style"
And what not.......
Catchy but Hollow
ohk then enough of serious stuff
Chill out
Ballzzz to say
And i know you being my best buddy, will always be my side.so my being alone is out of question.
Hey "J", Well as i read your first comment, i was about to hit back with an answer. but your second comment has what i wanted to reply with
"One Step" is the thing.
Nothing starts with a bang(Only earth did, and that too, is under
If we, being the youth of the nation, don bother, its gono hit back at us only. And, no work, or initiative, however small, is as small as it looks. Someday the radiance will spread, far and wide.
I have always believed in the following line
"When you go digging for gold, you don care how much dirt is coming out. Its the gold what matters."
And ya, thanks a ton for your support. People(actually friends) like you make this world a better place to live in.
ohk then take care and....
"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"
Reply to Gaurav's comment has all my answers...,
Hey Guys one more thing...
for those souls who make this blunder.
This Ribbon is not called
"AIDS ka Symbol."
Its The Ribbon for
"AIDS Awareness."
And ya! "J"..before i forget..
you had talked about our being educated and the others(so called people of lesser GOD) being unschooled and illiterate...well then isn't it our responsibitly to pass the lamp of knowledge...?
The purpose of education is not to earn to stuff our bellies..and confine the light of knowledge in our minds..
It has to be passed on..to those who have no access to it..and to those who can't afford the payment for the divine path...
We, as the more privileged class of the society, have to peek at our ownselves...and deduce, what contribution do we make to the community at large?
I hope i make my intent clear...
Take care and May the epidemic be contained..before it is tooo late...
First of all, i would like to say one thing, that, "AIDs ka symbol"...was cool one..
I know, what u're trying to say, but u know many ppl(i'll not nmame them, there wre many in our own class, and u know that) who are well aware of this thing, goes out every 5-6 months or even in a more shorter period than that to a brothel, where they know the AIDS Virus is not going to let them go freely, if they will not use some security measures...but still, this practice is open, resulting into AIDS...i know that we have certain social responsibilities (thats why we had joined NSS) but for this we need people who can understand our point..In today's world, u can c that even educated ppl (some of our very close frenz) made the mockery of the ribbon u used to have on ur bike..so there's no point in making them aware..u can see that many awareness camps/stage shows/TV shows are being initiated by Indian Govt. but still the people in states like UP, Jharkhand, MP, bihar and others too..even Punjab are having the AIDS case(s) more and more each and every year. You tell me how many people have asked u till now, what is this for (whether Educated/Uneducated)..i know that ppl roam here and there on bicycles spreading the awareness, but what for...just publicity, go and ask them, that how many people are being benefitted from their nobel cause. I agree that even if one person will start understanding the real meaning of this, the problem is going to be minimised...but till then it is going to be too late...but, still i admire your step towards social work...kudos to you..
I know you intend well...
n as i said i admire u...
yes it is up to us to do something...
so let us join hands n do our best to rescue our country from a deep black hole of no return....
Kudos to u dude...
u have n will always have my suport...
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