Wednesday, June 14, 2006

To a friend named "Misty"
Under the bluecover, lies a faith.
A faith not hidden in books, not preached by any prelate,
not construed in schools, not scribbled on the walls by lost civilizations.
A yoke among the souls, which holds firmly and steadfastly in the thick of times.
A nexus which is not a veneer.
I am not talking about love.
It's 'Friendship'.
"If Love is God, Friendship is the prayer".
One may never confront the "Messiah", but a prayer is always in the heart.
Love is skeptical, but Friendship is sure-fire.
The dictionary enlists a friend as a "Confidant".
And sure he/she is.......
Keep the faith, sustain the friendship.
Life is certainly not short, but warped!


J A D E D......... said...

Friend are an unseparable part of our lives...
While along the way we make hundreds of friends...
The best ones can be counted on our fingers...
This poem was sent to me by a guy in Bermuda who i met through a chat online...
I have never heard him or seen him, maybe never will but this is a poem he sent me...
As a sign of our friendship...
He seldom mails...
We seldom meet online but he still took out the time to search and send this poem to me...
His friend in India...
And as your Friend i now pass it on to you...

GOD Knew That Everyone Needs
Companionship And Cheer,
He Knew That People Need Someone
Whose Thoughts Are Always Near.

He Knew They Need Someone Kind
To Lend A Helping Hand.
Someone To Gladly Take The Time
To Care And Understand.

GOD Knew That We All Need Someone
To Share Each Happy Day,
To Be A Source Of Courage
When Troubles Come Our Way.

Someone To Be True To Us,
Whether Near Or Far Apart.
Someone Whose Love We'll Always
Hold And Treasure In Our Hearts.

That's Why God Gave Us Friends!

Ankush said...

Well I just have a few words this time,
"Thank You"

>>>>For making this Puny being your friend:)