Saturday, July 15, 2006

“Thou shalt love thy neighbor”

Hey hey hey hey…..pardon me please….did you say, “Love thy neighbor.”
Well you better cogitate this once more.
Our adversaries are really lucky; they do not need to send their soldiers into our lands. Just their ammunitions would suffice because; we have a leviathan army of foolish and moron extremists who are belligerent enough to kill their own countrymen.
And to add to the woes, the politicians under the white caps are no less than terrorists. I call them civil terrorists because they are not the leaders of the truth, rather demagogues trying to instill hatred amongst members of the society. A live example is Mister (Oops!..sorry, Minister) Mulayam Singh Yadav, the UP supremo, trying to champion the under scanner organizations. An amoral person is better of than him, because an amoral person cannot distinguish right from wrong. But Mr. UP CM’s apathy for his nation is certainly a “KALA DHABBBA” (I use this phrase to be more loathing) on the political disposition.
Our terrorist nucleus neighbor is happy to fight a low cost war. The days of Cold War are over; the Low Cost War is the new buzzword. Sending a few handfuls of men, who in turn aggrandize their terror ring once they enter Indian Land Mass, is enough to continue the fight.
An act like the one in Mumbai are antithesis to the months of CBMs being rooted by the government, turning everything to dust and rubble of the blown up debris of human property and flows down the drain with the bloodshed.
Do we really need CBMs with that country?
These are the questions which need too be asked and pondered at.
But right now, keeping them in abeyance; we move to something which is a far more alarming and significant in the wake of all these terror strikes is to know how and why such things happen so easily in our country.
If I purchase an imported car and try to make my way through the legal proceedings, I’ll be a victim of humungous custom laws and scanning. Then how does the paraphernalia of destruction be it TNT, RDX or the contraband drugs enter so easily. They do not fly in me suppose.
So one can infer that the real culprits are our own people. Fake Passports, Driving Licenses, Ration Cards and what not, are so easily available that the illegal entrants look like they have been living in India for ages.
Looking from an analysts perspective, we come to know that the real cause of the whole situational breakdown is the wide spread corruption; so prevalent that it’s eating upon our system as a termite. I do not say that countries like US, England, France, China, etc, are free from the malpractices, but when it comes to national security; no bureaucrat or politician jeopardizes it. It happens only in India where the National Security had been breached and the messiah of the poor is busy extending reservations on the basis for religion. We need a turn over in the form the government; a change in the thinking from conservative to a more thrusting. Untill then;
Expect More………..


J A D E D......... said...

I just have one thing to say about the corrupt politicians.....
SCREW THOSE B******S.....
Excuse my language.It is not expected from a girl from a good family i know but this is the only language the morons(read ministers) may understand...
I think that puts forward all my thoughts on them....
No words can describe the anger and pain i feel in seeing my home my city my country being ravaged so ruthlessly...
All because of a handful of power hungry brainless duds holding the threads of our nation in their hands...

Ankush said...

Most of them have lost souls and sleeping conscience. So now point head banging.