The first impression that comes to the mind when someone mentions “Social Service” is of a person wearing a khaddi kurta with a cholla hung over his one shoulder and teaching unprivileged children. Is that what involves “Social Service”? me…it is nothing of that sort. Doing some social service does not always mean that you are taking classes of kids in the slums or promoting condoms in the most remotest of places.
Social Service is a very broad term, involving any deed or action done to improve a person or the society as a whole. Or it could be bringing smiles on the children begging in streets, selling balloons at traffic signals, running around with tea glasses to sell. As I mentioned…any “deed or action” no matter how minuscule the effort is. It’s so easy to shoo away a kid asking for alms and badgering you for a long time. But, have you ever wondered, what that kid does the whole day? How does he spend his free time? Does he have any dreams? Any needs and desires? What is the aim of his life? What could be his future?....just ponder over these questions..
Coming back to social service…even if you visit a slum along with your friends for a Saturday rather than “checking out the crowd”, gather some kids there and play guitar/play dumb charades/sing songs…just for one single day in a week, month, year…..that is certainly social service. How would that help? You might take such things for granted but these little little nuances collapse the social barrier in the society..and smiles…the smiles that you will bring on their faces will be just like having a splash in water during summers.
As they say, “Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day”
Everyone cries against reservations…..i did too….leave aside the political will in the reservation policy……..but do you give a sweeper the status equal to yours?
I guess not…
Just muse over your social responsibilities, your love for India, your pay-back to the society and your actions towards a child beggars…..answers will flow.
I request all of you…yes all of you..”THE YOUTH” to step out and Initiate….
1. Spreading awareness about social issues is social service.
2. Portraying a better picture infront of the foreigners is social service.
3. Helping a slum kid with his homework is social service,
4. Taking a slum kid to a dinner with your friends on your birthdays, parties, or any a social service,
5. Taking a child beggar/slum kid for a mini ride on your bike/car/scooter is social service,
6. Buying him/her a new set of chappals is social service.
7. Using dustbins for waste is social service,
8. Arranging a movie screening in some slum just for one day in an year is social service,
9. Clicking a snap on your mobile phone posing with an unprivileged child …..
10. Asking the name of an unprivileged child is social service
*and last but not the least…. passing a smile to an unprivileged child is Social Service ………….
Keep Initiating!!!
We Volunteer
haha true. But usually people misinterpret the term. i guess we can forgive em ;).
P.S - i have 200+ voluntary hours. so YAY. we volunteer.
you know what... that pic is really sweet! i didnt notice that last time.
You write very well.
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