Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Nice Move>>>>

Kudos to the Indian government think tank for coming out with the idea of teaching english to the taxi drivers in New Delhi, preparing them for the foriegn nationals expected to hit the city during the 2010 Commonwealth Games to be hosted by the National Capital.
Even the so called pretty much elderly "students" of the govt. are enthu about the initiative.
It could mean more (Internatinnal)business and thus happy faces...even the vistors won't mind that..
Way to go..!!..


Anonymous said...

Impressive..atleast some students are concerned n aware about wats happening in the country while the rest r busy partying their balls out!!!way to go dude..keep us all posted with the grapewine!!

Ankush said...

Yeh Shwets!
it sure is impressive. Atleast we have some sort of radical move by the govt.
Unlike the ARAKSAN mamla....:)
but i aint gono go into that..
its crystal clear to all of us!!

Anonymous said...

Well, a nice work being done by u my dear friend...its really gud to c ppl like u working so hard to make ppl like us aware...kudos to u..just keep it up!!!

Ankush said...

Well if the govt. takes some positive strides, we are always there to acknowledge
with our Hats Off!!

J A D E D......... said...

Way too go.......Nice blog!
Keep it up.At least someone is aware of the happenings of the country....Keep up the great research work.....N hey keep us posted.Ciao...

Ankush said...

Thanks 'J', for the acclaim...
yeh to mera farz tha...lol

Anonymous said...

In my opinion it is a very good idea to teach taxi drivers in english. How to communicate when the visitor doesn’t speak Hindi?
But it would be difficult when the drivers don’t want to learn English!
English is the world language and in every country you can communicate…that’s why I like this language so much. ;-)

Dhar sa pyar ;-)


Ankush said...

Yes Wie! I certainly agree with you. But ya you made a very important point, the initiatives are only a success if the people are really into it.
And ya one more thing..leave aside the English, your Hindi too is getting better with each passing day.
Good Good! kudos to your Teacher!
Take Care!