Sunday, December 23, 2007


Whoaa!!! now this phd comic is so true, though it is pretty much on the dot every time:) , delineating the life of our fraternity, The Graduate Students. The souls who wander on the campus like zombies.
It's the winter break, the school seems deserted, empty parking lots, hollow corridors, closed kitchens, battered vending machines, horrible shuttle service and I am sitting here amongst these empty chairs of the Library, trying to learn things for a better future. Gosh! it really is dismal. Need to write a paper during this period, look for an oncampus job(and ironically, all the offices are closed aswell), and measure my chances of taking up thesis else just be content with a major project for the MS....what else i do....well in terms of diet, 2 chicken legs a day, egg scheme(a compromised invention involving left overs from the previous night, renovating it with a couple of eggs)...and just pushing it down the food pipe without much thought.., 2-3 horror movies a day and being rebuked by my gf over this issue..... how else can she expect me to survive in such nongregarious conditions?

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